My Dear Wife of over 42 years, Ruby, died unexpectedly on October 17, 1999, after fighting a heroic battle with Cancer for over a year. Although we knew she was terminal, we expected her to see the New Year. As it so often happens, God had other plans for us. She left some words of wisdom and faith, which I would like to share with you.
Yesterdays Cross 1985
The cross that pressed so heavy is light and sweet today. It lost its weight this morning when Jesus came my way. The cross that looked so dreary, a day or two ago, has with his presence brightened. He helped me lift it, so it's now light as a feather. I laugh amid my fears, and raise with Him my burdens, all lifted my anxious fears, the cross that weighed so heavy. The tears that fell so fast, are changed to glorious rainbows, in skies all blue at last. A man may feel no faith in prayer, and quit it all with little care. Yet in despair, may find his heart, kneels down in prayer. Be patient with everyone, above all with yourself. Do not be disturbed with yourself because of imperfections; always rise up bravely from a fall. Jesus is always as near, as a softly spoken whisper.
Christmas 1987
We worry about tomorrow, sometimes missing the joys of today. We trouble ourselves about what may happen; yet tomorrow may not come our way. Life's pathway is uncertain. Right now, is what yours and mine. Our future is safe in Gods keeping; we can live but one day at a time. You do not walk alone, for God is always near. He shares your pain, and knows, the things you fear. His hand will guide you safely, for His love is always there, to give you strength and courage, if you ask for it in prayer.
Safe in His Care April 7, 1991
Fear clutches my heart, and the future looks bleak. But my faith must not falter, and never grow weak. For whenever I'm troubled, and things seem grim. I turn to my Lord, and ask help of Him. He wipes away troubles, and burdens I bear. His compassion and mercy, keep me safe in His care. When my wellspring of faith, remains steadfast and true.
The Lord loves and protects me, in all that I do.
Quiet Times Undated
I love quiet times, in life so few, and far between. When one can touch stillness, with nothing in between. Moments God sets aside for us, when we need to meditate. God's soft and gentle whispering, that seems so crystal clear. Heard by ones heart, not by ones ear.
Ruby's Prayer Undated
Sometimes I feel so lonely, and life seems dark with despair. I look at my life and wonder deep down, have I done enough? Will God welcome me in heaven? I am weak. I am a sinner. God sent His Son, Dear Jesus, to die for my sins. If I really am sorry for the pain I've caused. I know my Dear Sweet Lord will forgive me. I pray to be stronger, and only do the best I truly can. I seek God's wisdom to know when I can do more. Thank you Lord for all that I have. A wonderful husband and family. I am truly blessed.
I found this collection of my beautiful, talented and courageous wife's writing, Ruby May Homer, after her death. I offer it here in memory of her, and for all who grieve for a departed loved one.
James L. Homer