My name is Teri, I am the mother of three beautiful boys. On February 18th of 2001, my son Mitchell (age 6) died in an accident at my Mother and Father's farm. It was a beautiful early spring day, still quite cool but the sun had just come out. Mitchell was playing in the field while my Dad was shredding on the tractor. My Dad thought that Mitchell had gone back to the house, but actually Mitchell had crawled into the tall grass (3 1/2' tall) and fallen asleep. My Dad then ran him over with the tractor and Mitchell died instantly. I have really found healing with my church and my community. I have done some foregiving and have made peace with Mitchell's death. My husband and I have made a commitment to our family, our marriage and our two other boys (ages 11 and 6 weeks). Communication is the key. Never stop talking about it or the person who died. Do not keep your feelings away from the children or your spouse.
Teri Kruse