My name is Pam, I will be 46 in 4 days. My mom died June 4, 2000. Today is July 19th. She was 61 and would have been 62 five days after my birthday.
This will be the very first time ever that I won't be able to celebrate our birthdays together. I feel so empty inside but my heart feels so heavy. I go through the everyday motions and wonder how I made it sometimes. My mom and I were so very close, she was my best friend and was always there for me.
I miss her so much that I am having problems getting to sleep. When I do, I dream of her. I miss her smile, her laugh, her kindness, her love, and her warm hugs. I will miss everything about her. She was painting and had a pain in her chest that scared her enough to call 911. My mom never complained about anything. They kept her overnight to run tests. They found blockage and said she needed a by pass. She was so happy the morning she went in and kept saying she can't wait to get it over with because she was going to feel so much better. Well when they took her off of bypass she had a heart attack. They couldn't save her. I was and still am devastated. The tears are starting to block my view so will close now. Thank you for letting me share and I would love to recieve e-mail from others that have suffered a loss.