It has been 20 years since the death of my precious baby girl, Jill. I cannot believe the pain that is still in my heart. I have heard that the grief you feel is measured by the love you felt, I know that I loved my baby so much and could not believed that she died. I was a good mother, I stayed home with my children and to this day dote over their every move. It is still hard to understand why this child was taken from me, she would have been so loved. Her umbilical cord was in a knot and was wrapped around her neck three times. She was so beautiful. I have been associated with The Compassionate Friends for several years, and have just taken on the responsibility of starting a chapter in Fort Smith, AR, I know that Jill is so alive and is working to help other parents deal with this life shattering experience. Our children are an extension of us, and we must carry on when they leave. Thank you for this time that I could share my feelings.
Jan Anderson